Today's my 22nd birthday. I got a whole bunch of birthday greetings on my Facebook wall, which was tyte. I thought my birthday would be more eventful, but we celebrated more over the weekend. You know, I miss how birthdays were really big deals in grade school. Everyone's bday was on the bulletin board and you brought cookies to class and people would sing. Now it's just like any day. You can't really tell ppl in class that it's your bday, cuz that's just weird. So you have to rely on Facebook to tell everyone. I hope my 22nd year on this earth will be better than my turbulent 21st. Geez Louise, talk about your emotional roller coaster. I thought it would be a good time to let y'all know what I've been up to lately:
I took a practice LSAT two weeks ago and scored a 158. Not bad, it was so good that I think I'm gonna take the real thing in a couple years and apply to some MD/JD and DO/JD programs, as well as straight-up JD. I think law is pretty cool, and it let's me use the skills I've honed as an English major to help people.
I took a practice DAT last week and scored a 14. Yeah, not so good. I had no idea the DAT covered botany and that they used science passages in the reading comprehension. This test was a lot harder than I though it would be. I have to give mad props to the pre-dents and apologize for dogging on the DAT all these years.
I want to take a practice GRE at some point and take the real one before the BIG CHANGE in October. Hopefully I'll be able to find one now that the Kaplan Test Drive is over.

I'm still waiting on 6 out of state med schools.
I'm applying to Special Masters Programs. Hopefully, I'll get into one of those. If not, hello second Bachelor's...and no, it won't be as much fun as The Bachelor in Paris.
I'm gonna try to devote more time to my neglected blog. I'll try to use cool colors and spruce it up with pics.