OK, so now I have an imposter on my hands. That's just great. I hope it's not the suspicious guy I mentioned yesterday. The last thing I need is getting him involved in this. I was with the nice doctor this morning (yea!) and finished work in a timely manner. When I got to the school the Airline Garage was full (as usual), so for the first time ever, I parked in the Commuter Lot. I drive my coworker to school too after work (she's a senior at SMU) and when I drove up to the lot I said, "Oh look, there's Will bike." So she asked, "Who's Will?" and I said, "Oh, nobody. You don't want to know him." She was perfectly content with my answer. :p
On : 2/10/2004 7:44:57 PM diego (www) said:
ouch...poor will.
On : 2/11/2004 3:07:45 PM prizonerofscience (www) said:
laws of sciences says bikes r good 4 the planet erth.
On : 2/11/2004 10:58:44 PM prettydoc (www) said:
On : 2/11/2004 11:23:48 PM prettydoc (www) said:
POS, that proves you know nothing. Will's bike is a motorcycle, therefore not good for the environment. So shove it! I'm gonna dislike you until you stop being such a thief.
On : 2/12/2004 1:42:08 AM will (www) said:
my emissions pale in comparison to a car. I would say i am very eco-friendly. When i drive little bunnies come out to play, celebrating my green mobile. :P
Hooray for bunnies.