Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Tonight was the first time I had been to a real mosque in a while. The one I usually go to is not a really a mosque; it's an Islamic center. The biggest difference is that women don't have to wear scarves, and men and women are not separated. Of course, tonight I was at a real mosque so I had to abide by the real traditions. This required trying on lots of clothes until I found the one that was most conservative, meaning it had to signify that I don't care about clothes. Second, I had to find a good scarf. I picked the wrong one; it was so light that it kept slipping off my hair all night. When we got there I met up with a friend and her sister-in-law (who's younger than me! She's her bro's wife), and a friend from high school who I hadn't seen in a while. We were the only Iranians there; this mosque is meant for Pakistanis. We came because for a few nights they are having services in English, and the speaker was very good. He was quite knowledgable and lectured on some Islamic history. Great stuff, I really learned a lot. The only thing was that since it's a school night, it takes up time to drive there and wait for it to start. I might go again tomorrow, but we'll have to see.

On : 2/26/2004 2:28:13 PM prizonerofscience (www) said:

trying on and buying lots of clothes is 1 good way 2 show that u dont care about ur appearance! who wants 2 practice religion 4 real when u could just make it look like u do! appearances is everything, just like n science!

On : 2/26/2004 6:40:35 PM sara (www) said:

was it for muhhram? our masjed caters to shia's (alhamdulillah) b/c once I went w/ a lebanese friend & wow did i feel funny.
ya hossein

On : 2/26/2004 7:25:59 PM prettydoc (www) said:

Yeah, it was. I also sometimes feel uncomfortable at sunni services.