Friday, May 07, 2004

OK, now here's what anime character I would be based on my blog name, prettydoc.

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Rediculously long, usualy tied up in ribbons.
Clothes:A bit revealing, but nothing too over the top.
Powers:Shape Shifting
Special Features:Wings
Sidekick:The great spirit of (insert character name of choice here), as channeled through whatever item you have onhand at the time.
Attitude:Psychotic and damn proud.
Weapon:Bow and arrows
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Now, here's my anime style based on my real name, Maryam. Why do I sound like a dominatrix?

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Naturally multi-coloured.
Clothes:Leather, belts, chains, bondage pants, collars, and tight shirts.
Powers:Can talk to animals
Special Features:Bunny ears and tail
Sidekick:The great spirit of (insert character name of choice here), as channeled through whatever item you have onhand at the time.
Attitude:Cold and quiet.
Weapon:Flails (eh...they're like nunchuks)
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

On : 5/8/2004 10:07:24 PM Jenny (www) said:

Hmm, Jennifer and Jenny weren't too far wrong but my msn pseudonym Taaict sounds the best! I wanna dragon now! Hehehe!