Thursday, June 24, 2004

I took my second O Chem test yesterday. I think it went ok (knock on wood), but I won't find out how I did until Monday. I've been reading up on this Bio class I'm taking at CCCC this fall. It's an online course called Anatomy and Physiology Basic. The web courses go really fast so I'll have to up at 8am Monday to register. If I do that, it means that next term I'll be taking 20 hrs at 3 different schools. Let the good times roll.

On : 6/27/2004 9:55:34 PM Samwise Tangee (www) said:

oh, if only Engineering classes could be taken online!....ah, but again, 'tis the life I've chosen! Congrats in advance on your very awesome O Chem grade that I know you're going to get!! =)

On : 6/27/2004 10:06:20 PM Maryam (www) said:

Oh, Sam, you're so sweet! Thank you in advance (I hope, I hope, I hope!).

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