Monday, June 28, 2004

Paper claims woman gave birth to frog
TEHERAN, Iran, June 27 (UPI) -- An Iranian newspaper reported Sunday the story of a woman who claims to have given birth to a frog.

The BBC reported Iranian newspaper Etemaad printed that the creature was believed to have grown from larva to an adult frog inside her body. The paper quotes medical experts as saying there are human characteristics to the animal.

It has been speculated that the unnamed woman unknowingly picked up the larva while she was swimming in a dirty pool, the BBC said.

In the 17th Century, Catharina Geisslerin, known as "the toad-vomiting woman" of Germany, claimed to have incubated amphibians inside of her body. However, when she died in 1662, doctors found no evidence animals had ever lived inside her body.


Copyright 2004 by United Press International.

Here's a more complete article on this weird event.

On : 6/28/2004 7:17:11 PM diego (www) said:

you're people are weird

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