Diet Update: I gained 5 lbs this week! Color me discouraged.
On : 4/4/2004 8:32:26 PM persianguy (www) said:
meaty girls look good, unless ofcourse you're too big, in which case...disregard this entire comment.
On : 4/4/2004 9:06:41 PM prettydoc (www) said:
Dude, I'm not meaty or big.
On : 4/4/2004 10:33:55 PM Jenny (www) said:
I still don't see why you think you need to loose weight M.
On : 4/5/2004 10:44:17 PM persianguy (www) said:
"Dude, I'm not meaty or big."
Then theres no need to go on a diet, or freak out when you gain 5lbs.