Yesterday was my last day to TA...ever! Triple WOOHOO!!!! The Persian guy in my class went from bugging me all semester to suddenly being my new best friend. I was like, Dude what's your deal? He was being really nice to me and then I found out why. He wanted me to overlook some missing pages on his lab report (yes, he was missing whole pages) in order to boost his grade. I was like, No way Jose! He, of course, got less friendly after that. Eh, who cares? Today was nice until I got my Cell Bio test back. Yes, it was the Spirit of 76, meaning of course that I got a 76. The class average was 79, which he was unexpicably happy about. That's not a good class average, but he was milking it like it was, thereby refusing a curve. Um, ok, now what am I supposed to do, genius? I'm gonna have to meet w/ him later and figure something out. BTW, any premeds reading this in the Dallas area: we're having an open house at work (Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas) to recruit new scribes. It's this Friday from 2-5 pm. Email me if you're interested in joining the team and I'll give you more details. Oh and Jenny, this Bud's for you! Question of the day: What could a guy do to keep himself busy while his family is shopping at Sam Moon on Harry Hines?
On : 4/14/2004 8:57:28 PM Will (www) said:
Ever? Whose going to be my Chemistry TA?
On : 4/14/2004 9:00:46 PM prettydoc (www) said:
I don't know if you're aware of this, but...Omair is going to be a Chem TA next semester!
On : 4/14/2004 9:19:52 PM gp (www) said:
79 class average is pretty damn good... the test average in my physics class is usually somewhere between 50-65.
this link is for will, since seems to be malfunctioning:
On : 4/14/2004 9:35:52 PM Will K (www) said:
Thanks pete, I liked that link so much I went back in time and posted it on my website two weeks ago!
DNS issues with server relocation. For the record.
On : 4/14/2004 9:36:24 PM Will K (www) said:
Omair will be more difficult than you. :P
On : 4/14/2004 10:12:10 PM Jenny (www) said:
Will and Omair! I'm going to loose my mind. Thanks for the lyrics Maryam, now i just ahve to find the song so i can listen to it! Damn me and my social retardation! Thank god i have the media wary friends i do.
PS loved the duet with you and gabbi. That should have been recorded for future blackmail!
On : 4/14/2004 10:25:05 PM prettydoc (www) said:
Oh honey, I'm proud of my mad rapping skillz fo shizzle.
On : 4/14/2004 10:30:09 PM prettydoc (www) said:
Although it would be really funny if I TAed w/ Omair and Will and Jenny were my students...and they were lab partners!
On : 4/15/2004 10:05:20 AM Jenny (www) said:
thank you for that thought maryam. like my nightmares weren't frightening enough! Now i have to think about Will and chem lab... many nights of explosions will now rack my sleeping mind!