Saturday, February 07, 2004

I was just thinking about the various loves and losses we all undergo by the time we're 20. We know we're not going to marry any of the people that we like, but they nevertheless consume our thoughts. When I like a guy, he's often all I can think about. He becomes the focus of all my energy, thereby making my other relationships and responsibilities suffer. I'm currently not crushing on anybody, but I just keep thinking what if someone new does come into my life. Will he wind up taking all my time, energy, and thoughts when I know that he is not doing the same? Will I be sad, will he make me cry and will that be worth the thrill that enters my heart when I catch a glimpse of him?


On : 2/8/2004 3:34:10 PM prettydoc (www) said:

hi i like apples and they r red sometimes and they can be green but i like the green ones b/c the can be sour sometimes. go apples! and GC and PGMG and SP!!!!but u suck 2 AL!!!! that is all thank u 4 reading! oh did i 4get 2 mention that i say random things. Do we have a problem? Prizoner of science. SCIENCE!

On : 2/8/2004 3:34:32 PM applebottoms (www) said:

hi i like apples and they r red sometimes and they can be green but i like the green ones b/c the can be sour sometimes. go apples! and GC and PGMG and SP!!!!but u suck 2 AL!!!! that is all thank u 4 reading! oh did i 4get 2 mention that i say random things. Do we have a problem? Prizoner of science. SCIENCE!

On : 2/8/2004 3:34:50 PM prizonerofscience (www) said:

hi i like apples and they r red sometimes and they can be green but i like the green ones b/c the can be sour sometimes. go apples! and GC and PGMG and SP!!!!but u suck 2 AL!!!! that is all thank u 4 reading! oh did i 4get 2 mention that i say random things. Do we have a problem? Prizoner of science. SCIENCE!

On : 2/8/2004 4:12:49 PM diego (www) said: this is what happens when you get into drugs

On : 2/8/2004 5:59:21 PM prettydoc (www) said:

Y'all, I didn't write those first 3 posts; my sis did. Please don't hold our shared genes against me.

On : 2/9/2004 12:03:39 AM gp (www) said:

provocative thinking maryam... and you will. everytime.

On : 2/9/2004 12:04:23 AM gp (www) said:

i like the part about prizoner's of science.. thats deep.