Wednesday, May 12, 2004

US News and World Report has come out with their listing of the top grad schools. Here's their site with top med schools. In Research, Baylor College of Medicine made 13 and UTSW made 18. They were the only TX schools in the top 50. In Primary Care, Baylor was 20, TCOM was 29, and UTSW was 38. Incidentally, Harvard was #1 in research and #43 in primary care. It just shows you where their priorities lie.

Premeds read this:

Prognosis positive

For the first time in almost a decade, the number of applicants to the nation's medical schools has risen, a trend deans attribute in part to the fact that most doctors are very satisfied with their work despite problems with managed care. Admissions officers say prospective physicians need to have competitive grades and board scores.

Just as important, they say, is experience that proves they've got what it takes to be a caring health professional in a stressful, often chaotic environment. "We're looking for people who are altruistic," says Robert Sabalis, associate vice president of student affairs and programs the Association of American Medical Colleges. "People who are interested in assisting others."
So there's good news and bad news here. The bad news is the number of applicants is rising. The good news is that you can set yourself apart by gaining valuable clinical experience.

On : 5/13/2004 1:22:35 PM diego (www) said:

cool. on a related note, I believe 3 of SMU's engineering graduates programs rated in the top 50 nationwide - that's a huge accomplishment considering what a small engineering dept we have.

On : 5/13/2004 5:35:21 PM prettydoc (www) said:

That's really awesome. I like it when our school is recognized for something because it gives a sign that our degree does have credibility outside of Texas.

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